Optimization of the Axial Turbines Flow Paths
Anatoli Boiko, Yuri Govorushchenko, Alexander Usaty © by the authors
ISBN: 978-1-940366-67-8
Published Date: June 23, 2016
Pages: 286
Publisher: Science Publishing Group
Book Description
A new approach to solving multilevel complex problem – the optimal design of turbine unit as complex technical system is comprehensively reviewed using a block-hierarchical optimization process that ensures the maximum global quality criteria of the system and its reliability. The fundamentals of the theory for the optimal design of flow paths of turbomachines are presented, including mathematical models of flow path elements, determination of the optimal number of turbine stages and the distribution of the heat drop between them, optimization of the spin laws of the nozzles and blades of axial turbine stages, taking into account slope and curvature stream lines, as well as leaks.
Methods for creating optimal profiles considering the strength limitations are given. The problem of the spatial optimization of the shape of turbine blades using computational aerodynamics is described. Also presented are examples of the application of the theory to the projection of the optimal flow path of modern steam and gas turbines, taking into account their operational mode.
For researchers and experts in design, calculation and research on turbomachines. Useful for University faculty members, post- graduate students and senior undergraduate students of Technical Universities.
Author Introduction
Anatoli Boiko, D. Sc., Full Professor, is a Head of the Turbine Projection Chair; the founder of a new scientific approach to turbine projection - optimal design of turbomachines; author of many articles and several books on one dimensional, 2D and 3D optimization of the axial turbines flow paths; winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in science and technology.
Yuri Govorushchenko, is a Senior Research Fellow, Ph.D; the largest specialist in optimal design of turbomachines; author of several books, articles and programs on one dimensional, 2D and 3D optimization of the turbine stages, modules and cylinders of the steam and gas turbines.
Alexander Usaty, is a Senior Research Fellow/lecturer, D.Sc. ; a well-known expert in the field of optimal design of turbomachines; author of one book, several articles and programs on the multi-criterion, multimode and multi-parametric optimization of the steam and gas turbines cylinders.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Statement of the Axial Turbine’s Flow Path Optimal Design Problem
- 1.1 Mathematical Models and the Object Design Problem
- 1.2 Optimization of Complex Technical Devices
- 1.2.1 Design Hierarchy
- 1.2.2 A Numerical Method for the Implementation of the Multilevel Optimization Approximation Schemes
- 1.3 Building Subsystems FMM
- 1.3.1 FMM Basics
- 1.3.2 The Method of Improving the FMM Accuracy
- 1.4 Optimization Methods
- 1.4.1 General Information About the Extremal Problems
- 1.4.2 Nonlinear Programming
- 1.4.3 Methods for Optimization of Hardly Computable Functions
- 1.5 The Practice of Numerical Methods Usage for Local Leveled Optimization Problems Solution
- 1.5.1 Solution of the Multi-Criteria Optimization Problems
- 1.5.2 The Numerical Solution of the Optimization Problem with the Multimodal Objective Function
- 1.5.3 The Method of Optimization Taking into Account Turbine Operating Modes
Chapter 2 Mathematical Modelling of the Turbomachine Flow Path Elements
- 2.1 Equations of State
- 2.2 Aerodynamic Models
- 2.2.1 Axisymmetric Flow in the Axial Turbine Stage
- 2.2.2 Aerodynamic Calculation of the Axial Turbine Stage in Gaps
- 2.2.3 Off-Design Calculation of Multi-Stage Steam Turbine Flow Path
- 2.2.4 Simulation of Axisymmetric Flow in a Multi-Stage Axial Turbine
- 2.2.5 Cascades Flow Calculation
- 2.2.6 Computational Fluid Dynamics Methods
- 2.3 Geometric and Strength Model
- 2.3.1 Statistical Evaluation of Geometric Characteristics of the Cascade Profiles
- 2.3.2 Strength Models
- 2.4 Flow Path Elements Macromodelling
- 2.5 Thermal Cycles Modelling
Chapter 3 Determining the Optimal Stages Number of Module and the Heat Drop Distribution
- 3.1 Analytical Solutions
- 3.2 Preliminary Design of the Multistage Axial Flow Turbine Method Description
- 3.2.1 Methods of the FP Synthesis
- 3.2.2 Detailed Thermal Calculation
- 3.2.3 Optimization
Chapter 4 Optimization of the Axial Turbine Parameters Along the Stage Radius
- 4.1 Formulation of the Problem
- 4.2 The Impact of Leaks on the Axial Turbine Stages Crowns Twist Laws
- 4.3 The Axial Turbine Stage Optimization Along the Radius in View of Leakages
- 4.4 The Effect of Tangential Lean on the Characteristics of Axial Turbine Stage
Chapter 5 Optimal Cascades Profiling
- 5.1. The Cascade’s Basic Geometry Parameters Optimization
- 5.2 Profiles Cascades Shaping Methods
- 5.2.1 Turbine Profiles Building Using Power Polynomials
- 5.2.2 Profiles Building Using Besier Curves
- 5.3 Optimization of Geometric Quality Criteria
- 5.4 Minimum Profile Loss Optimization
- 5.5 Optimal Profiling Examples
Chapter 6 Application of Computational Aerodynamics for Blades Shape Optimization
- 6.1 Problem Statement
- 6.2 Representation of Blades Geometry
- 6.2.1 File Formats for Blades Storage
- 6.2.2 Stacking
- 6.2.3 Forming the Lateral Surfaces of the Blades
- 6.2.4 Three-Dimensional the Turbine Blade Parametric Model
- 6.2.5 The Grids Construction
- 6.2.6 File Format for Grids Storage
- 6.3 CFD Tools
- 6.4 Algorithm of Spatial Aerodynamic Optimization of the Blade Cascades of Axial Turbines
- 6.5 The Impact of Simple Tangential Lean on the Flow Through the Turbine Circumferential Cascade
- 6.6 The Influence of Complex Tangential Lean on the Flow in Circumferential Turbine Cascade
- 6.7 Optimization with the Mass Flow Rate Preservation Through the Cascade
- 6.7.1 Optimization with Various a/l Using Method 1
- 6.7.2 Optimization with Various a/l Using Method 2
- 6.7.3 Reasons of Increasing the Efficiency of Optimized Cascades
Chapter 7 Experience and Examples of Optimization of Axial Turbines Flow Paths
- 7.1 Multi-Criterion Optimization of HPC of Powerful Steam Turbines at Nominal Operational Mode
- 7.1.1 A Preliminary Study of Influence of Quality Criteria Weights Coefficients on the Optimization Results
- 7.1.2 Optimization of HPC Parameters of the 220 MW Capacity Turbine for Nuclear Power Plant
- 7.1.3 Optimization of High-Pressure Cylinder Parameters of the 330 MW Capacity Turbine
- 7.1.4 Optimization of the HPC Flow Path Parameters of the 540 MW Capacity Turbine
- 7.2 Optimal Design of the Axial Turbines Flow Paths Taking into Consideration the Mode of Operation
- 7.2.1 Optimization of Rendering Turbine Expander Unit (RTEU) Flow Path of 4 MW Capacity With Rotary Nozzle Blades
- 7.2.2 Optimal Design of Gas Turbine Flow Path Considering Operational Modes