Surgery - The Way I Teach! Lecture Notes on Basic Principles of Surgery

Shyam Parashar  © by the authors

ISBN: 978-1-940366-18-0
Published Date: September 18, 2015
Pages: 215
Paperback: $99
Publisher: Science Publishing Group
To purchase hard copies of this book, please email:
Book Description

This work is my attempt to simplify and teach basic sciences and their application in clinical decision making.

Students of surgery must know that communication skills, mannerism and ethics play a very significant role in the learning phase of their life. Any student in a white coat with a stethoscope around the neck and hammer and tuning fork peeking out of the coat pocket cannot disguise the fact that they are still students and that they have to win the trust of their patients before they can obtain the required information related to their history and physical examination.

Students must introduce themselves to their patients, take their permission, maintain privacy, and respect confidentiality of the information provided. They must keep the conversation simple, focused, specific and relevant to the patients' problems, and use uncomplicated understandable terms. Students should not independently discuss the diagnosis, prognosis and management with the patient or any member of their family. Any curiosity and questions in this respect should be directed to the treating surgeon.

There is no substitute for modest appearance and courteous behavior. Be gentle to your patients who must already be suffering. That is often why they seek medical help. While examining them do not do anything that may increase their pain or suffering. Remember the dictum: "If you cannot do any good, please do not do any harm".

Surgical examination includes examination of private parts and internal examinations. Seek permission before proceeding. A cooperative patient can help solve many of students' problems. Most surgical patients have wounds that require dressings. Do not expose wounds repeatedly. Follow instructions from the teacher or the nurse. Pay attention to hygiene and patients' comforts. Wash your hands, use gloves where necessary. Do not expose or move your patient unnecessarily. Prepare a scheme for examination before you expose the patient. Thus you can complete the examination and accomplish the objectives within the shortest time and with minimal discomfort for the patient.

Finally, students should note that all major problems in general surgery can be covered in following TEN groups. Once they master the basics of these ten subjects from a book like this and the details from their text books, they would have covered almost all common general surgical conditions which they are likely to encounter in their practice. These TEN groups are:
1. General principles of surgery
2. Non-specific surgical conditions
3. Trauma
4. Abdomen: Acute abdomen and Abdominal masses
5. Ano-rectum
6. Hernias
7. Cervico-facial surgical conditions
8. Breast lumps
9. Acute chest pain and dyspnoea, of surgical origin
10. Limbs and Peripheral Vascular Diseases [including diabetic foot]

This book focuses on applied anatomy, Patho-physiology and principles of management of these ten groups, based on my experience and understanding.

Author Introduction

Prof. Shyam Parashar is a 1959 medical graduate from G.R. Medical College, Gwalior and Vikram University in India. In 1962 he obtained the degree of Master of Surgery [M.S.] from the same University. For next seven years he continued his further training at All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, India, and in various hospitals of England.

He obtained the Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh [FRCS Ed.] in 1966, and returned to India to join Goa Medical College in 1969. In ten years he reached the highest rank of full Professor and Head of the Department of Surgery at the same college.

From1981, he worked as Professor of Surgery at King Faisal University [later named as University of Dammam], and senior Consultant Surgeon at King Fahd Teaching Hospital. For twenty five years he also held the position of 'Director for Postgraduate Training Program in Surgery'.

He left Saudi Arabia in 2013, but continues to hold the position of 'Emeritus Professor'.

Prof. Parashar has been a very popular teacher and well known surgeon amongst his students, trainees, colleagues and community in Goa as well as in Saudi Arabia. His students have been occupying very senior positions in India and abroad.

He lives with his wife in USA; however he spends a lot of his leisurely time at his beautiful resort home at Dona Paula in Goa, India.

You can contact Prof. Parashar at the following address:
1, Monet court, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08552, USA
5, Sagar colony, Dona Paula, Goa, 403004, India

Table of Contents
  • The Whole Book

  • FrontMatter

  • Section 1

    1. Introduction
    2. General Principles of Clinical Practice
    3. Communication Skills
    4. Professional Ethics
    5. Safety in Clinical Practice
    6. General Principles of Surgery
    7. Non Specific Surgical Conditions
    8. The Pain
    9. The Wounds
    10. Scars
    11. Haemorrhages
    12. Surgical Infections
    13. Tumors
    14. Cysts
    15. Common Lesions of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
    16. Moles/Naevi
    17. Peri-Operative Care
    18. Preoperative Preparation
    19. Intra-Operative Care
    20. Postoperative Complications and Management
    21. Swellings and Ulcers
    22. Swellings
    23. Ulcers
    24. Sinuses and Fistulae
    25. Trauma
    26. Burns and Scalds
    27. Severe External Haemorrhage
    28. The Abdomen
    29. Developmental Defects of Abdominal Wall
    30. Surgical Abdomen
    31. Acute Abdomen
    32. Sub-Acute, Chronic and Recurrent Obstructions
    33. Adynamic Obstruction
    34. Mesenteric Ischaemia
    35. Abdominal Masses [Including Tumors]
    36. Tumors of Colon
    37. Colon Cancers
  • Section 2

    1. Ano-Rectum
    2. Anal Fissure
    3. Internal Haemorrhoids
    4. Important Facts and Observations about Internal Haemorrhoids
    5. Peri-Anal Haematoma [External Haemorrhoid is Wrong Term]
    6. Ano-Rectal Sepsis
    7. Fistula-in-ano
    8. Rectal Prolapse
    9. Inflammations
    10. Non Specific Peri-Anal Swellings
    11. Ano-Rectal Tumors
    12. Diagnosis of Ano-Rectal Problems
    13. Ano-Rectal Mystery
    14. Reminder
    15. Pilonidal Sinus [PNS]
    16. The Hernia
    17. Head and Neck
    18. Oral Cavity
    19. Salivary Glands
    20. The Neck
    21. Thyroid Gland [Goitre]
    22. Parathyroids
    23. The Breast
    24. Breast Tumors
    25. Breasts in Males
    26. The Chest
    27. Trauma
    28. Airway Obstructions
    29. Tension Pneumothorax
    30. Open Pneumothorax
    31. Haemothorax
    32. Flail Chest
    33. Cardiac Tamponade
    34. Rupture of Diaphragm
    35. Oesophageal Rupture
    36. Non Traumatic Chest Conditions of Surgical Interest
    37. Oesophageal Tumors
    38. Achalasia Cardia
  • Section 3

    1. The Limbs
    2. The Hand Infections
    3. Ganglion
    4. Dupuytren’s Contracture
    5. The Foot
    6. Diabetic Foot
    7. Other Lesions of Foot
    8. Peripheral Vascular Disorders [PVD]
    9. Malformations
    10. Arterial Disorders
    11. Disorders of Veins
    12. Surgery in Tropics
    13. Parasitic Diseases
    14. Bacterial and Viral Diseases
    15. Neoplasms
    16. Blood Diseases
    17. Useful Hints for Diagnosis [Easy to Remember]
    18. Pain
    19. Rare Pictures for Spot Diagnosis
    20. On a Lighter Note
    21. Culinary Metaphors in Medicine [Fascination of Medical Fraternity with Food]
    22. Summary
  • BackMatter
