Atlas of Advanced Gastrointestinal Laparoscopic Techniques

Mocan Lucian  © by the authors

ISBN: 978-1-940366-70-8
Publisher: Science Publishing Group
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Book Description

The field of laparoscopic surgery has evolved enormously in recent years and almost yearly new techniques are arising. This book is designed to help the surgeons to embrace the latest advances in laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery. Thus, the proposed books aim to provide general surgeons with extensive technical details to expand their knowledge in Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal surgery.

Author Introduction

Dr. Mocan Lucian, the lead author of this book, is a Senior Surgeon at Octavian Fodor Gastroenterology Institute Cluj Napoca Romania. Dr. Lucian Mocan specializes in general surgery and surgical oncology, with special interest in advanced laparoscopic procedures. He graduated from Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy and holds a PhD degree in medical sciences. He performs a wide range of minimally-invasive gastrointestinal procedures including laparoscopic advanced procedures for gastrointestinal cancers. He takes a laparoscopic approach to operations on the esophagus, stomach, bowels, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and adrenal glands whenever possible. In addition, he is recognized as an expert on both traditional and minimally-invasive hernia surgery. He published more than 70 papers in peer reviewed journals and holds 7 patents in the field.

Table of Contents
  • Chapter 1 Esophagus

    1. Thoracolaparoscopic Esophagectomy
    2. Laparoscopic Transhiatal Esophagectomy
    3. Laparoscopic Esophagogastrectomy And Intrathoracic Anastomosis
    4. Laparoscopic Treatment Of Hiatal Hernia
  • Chapter 2 Stomach And Duodenum

    1. Laparoscopic Management Of Peptic Ulcer Disease
    2. Laparoscopic Surgery For Obesity
    3. Laparoscopic Gastric Resection For Benign Tumors
    4. Laparoscopic Gastrectomy For Gastric Malignancy Current Concepts
    5. Laparoscopic Distal And Total Radical Gastrectomy
    6. Laparoscopic Treatment Of Duodenal Tumors
  • Chapter 3 Gall Bladder

  • Chapter 4 Biliary Anatomy

    1. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
    2. Laparoscopic Management Of Acute Cholecystitis
    3. Difficult Cholecystectomy
    4. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy In Cirrhotic Liver
    5. Laparoscopic Retrograde Cholecystectomy
    6. Laparoscopic Bile Duct Injury And Management
  • Chapter 5 Colon And Rectum

    1. Laparoscopic Radical Left Hemicolectomy For Cancer
    2. Laparoscopic Radical Right Hemicolectomy For Cancer
    3. Laparoscopic Total And Subtotal Colectomy
    4. Laparoscopic Anterior Resection
    5. Laparoscopic Abdominoperineal Resection
    6. Laparoscopic Management Of Diverticulitis
  • Chapter 6 Liver

    1. Laparoscopic Treatment Of Hydatic Cyst Of The Iver
    2. Laparoscopic Liver Resections
  • Chapter 7 Pancreas

    1. Laparoscopic Treatment Of Insulinoma
    2. Laparoscopic Pancreatectomy For Cancer
  • Chapter 8 Inguinal Canal

    1. Laparoscopic TEP Technique In Inguinal Hernia
    2. Laparoscopic TAPP Technique In Inguinal Hernia
  • Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

    1. Laparoscopic Treatment Of Pheochromocytoma
    2. Laparoscopic Resection Of Meckel Diverticulum
    3. Laparoscopic Treatment Of Foreign Bodies In Abdominal Cavity
    4. Laparoscopic Treatment Of Postincisional Hernia