Social Sciences

Volume 13, Issue 5, October 2024

  • Research Article

    The Role of Traditional Social Institution “Mada'a” in Afar Region in Crime Prevention - The Case of Asaita Woreda

    Kedirx Ali Alo*, Efa Tadesse Debele

    Issue: Volume 13, Issue 5, October 2024
    Pages: 143-154
    Received: 1 May 2024
    Accepted: 22 May 2024
    Published: 26 September 2024
    DOI: 10.11648/
    Abstract: The role of traditional social institutions in maintaining social order in general and crime prevention in particular is very indispensable. Despite the importance of the role of traditional social institutions in crime prevention, academic attention to this issue is still being determined. This study was conducted on the role of the traditional so... Show More